Second Life Pizza Gets Some Real Life Delivery
I actually love pizza but don’t order it often over the phone or on the internet. I have my local pizza places I love and then the big franchise places for a quick bite. There has been times while I’m working at home and start craving pizza. Now I have 3 choices to order it from home. I could call my local store to order some pizza or order it online from some famous franchises. Soon I will have an option to order it in second life.
If I’m playing a game or building something in Second Life then it might be easier to rez a gadget and order a pizza. I don’t see me ordering like this all the time but maybe at the beginning just to try it out. I would have a better chance of ordering take out in a virtual world if there was a lot to choose from. I hope there will be more places who will try this idea like I mentioned in another post about Most of the big businesses who come into SL use it for advertising primarily. I have noticed some who are trying new ideas.
The chance for me to order a pizza with my lindens money is a BIG plus for me! Especially the fact that I would have to wait a week just to get my money out of SL. I wonder how this pizza business is going to deal with the lindens. Maybe big businesses will have an easier time getting money out? Will they see it as a risk they are willing to take if they can’t get their money? Selling real stuff from second life will add some interesting problems especially hot food. This is a great idea but as a business it seems very risky especially reading about other people having problems with money in SL. [ furnation money problems ] [ dark life robbed ]

After reading about this I started to search around in Second Life and I found some interesting places. One place actually sells virtual pizzas. I bought a pepperoni and cheese pizza on a platter. Great for those virtual parties for my avatar! I can click on the pizza and I’ll receive an animated pizza slice. Sweet! Also I found a real pizza place advertising inside SL. They are from Switzerland and their sim looks really nice. Not sure how much business they get from SL.