Halloween Fun Part 2!
In my previous post, Halloween Fun, I described how I found good places for my Halloween costume. This time I would like to post about a haunted house walk though location. It’s called Haunted Mansion and when you begin you should have the sun setting of second life to midnight. Go through the doors in front of you while watching and listening to the scary scenes! There are some places where it’s very hard to find the right path to go because it’s so dark. There are two spots exactly that I got lost but finally found the path after a couple of minutes. When you get to the section in the forest you might think you are trapped but there is an exit to this room. Just have to keep looking around! I love the scenery and the sounds of this place. It reminds me of walking through a real Halloween maze without all the people around you.

I also found another Halloween ride, Spook House Ride. This one is a real ride that you sit in and watch the scenery go by. Read the directions and be sure to go full screen so you can see everything. It costs $1L but that shouldn’t be a problem. This was more like the fun houses in a carnival that I remember. I also saw an article about this particular ride from Second Life Herald here.

There are a lot more Halloween stuff I have found but will post it a bit later so I can get all my thoughts out without skipping any good details.
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